Résumé du preprint Irfu-11-36

Particle-number fluctuations and correlations in tranfer reactions obtained using the Balian-Veneroni variational principle
C. Simenel
The Balian-Vénéroni (BV) variational principle, which optimizes the evolution of the state according to the relevant observable, is used at the mean-field level to determine the particle-number fluctuations in fragments of many-body systems. For fermions, the numerical evaluation of such fluctuations requires the use of a time-dependent Hartree-Fock (TDHF) code. Proton, neutron, and total nucleon number fluctuations in fragments produced in collisions of two 40Ca are computed well above the fusion barrier. For deep-inelastic collisions, the fluctuations calculated from the BV variational principle are much larger than standard TDHF results, and closer to experimental fluctuations. Correlations between proton and neutron numbers are determined. These correlations are shown to be larger with exotic systems where charge equilibration occurs.