Résumé du preprint DAPNIA-05-224

Multifragmentation of very heavy nuclear systems (III): fragment velocity correlations and event topology at freeze­out.
G. Tabacaru, M.F. Rivet, B. Borderie, M. Parlog, B. Bouriquet, A. Chbihi, J.D. Frankland, J.P. Wieleczko, E. Bonnet, R. Bougault, R. Dayras, E. Galichet, D. Guinet, P. Lautesse, N. Le Neindre, O. Lopez, L. Manduci, L. Nalpas, P. Pawlowski, E. Rosato, R. Roy, S. Salou, B. Tamain, E. Vient, M. Vigilante and C. Volant
Kinetic energy spectra and fragment velocity correlations, simulated by means of stochastic mean­field calculations, are successfully confronted with experimental data for single multifragmenting sources prepared at the same excitation energy per nucleon in 32 AMeV 129Xe+ natSn and 36 AMeV 155Gd+ natU central collisions. Relying thus on simulations, average freeze­out times of 200-­240 fm/c are obtained. The corresponding spatial distributions of fragments are more compact for the lighter system (~3­4V0 vs ~8V0 ).


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